Drama Queen Crappie King (Laminate)
SKU: 5074908838171
shad scented /2 inch bait
The famous CRAPPIE KING. If you like catching slabs this is the bait for you. This bait built our company.
We are the sole manufacturer.
The crappie king has a few unique designs.
This bait is a straight tail, that you can swim or vertically jig.
These also work great on a Beatle spin.
The crappie king was designed to have a very slender body to allow for a ton of hook exposure.
This specific design of the crappie king was hand cut.
If a fish bites this bait, IT WILL BE CAUGHT.
This design allows the crappie to gulp this jig.
Very often you will find you get a very sturdy hook set.
These also work great for trout.
Packaging Amounts
Packs of 10!